What we need to do in this third part: . RedBullet collides with GreenCircle. . GreenCircle spawn GreenBullets. . repeat the process each collision between "bullets" objects and GreenCircles. Basically we need add physics components to GameObjects, then add colliders. 1. In the prefab folder, select RedBulletPrefab. In the Inspector panel, at bottom, click the button Add Component > Physics > Rigidbody. Then uncheck "use gravity", check "Is kinematic" and I checked too the z position and x, y, z rotation freeze options. 2. With RedBulletPrefab selected, add a new physics component, collider. For bullets I choose Box Collider, for the Green Circle I added an Sphere Collider. Just check "Is trigger" since we will use C# script to control collisions. 3. Do the steps 1 and 2 above to GreenCirclePrefab. 4. Let's create a new prefab, GreenBulletPrefab. It's based in the RedBulletPrefab, so drag and drop RedBulletPrefab into H...
I hope to increase my English skills, hearing podcasts and training writting about my life here... So, one year after, I'll come here, any Laught A Lot...