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Mostrando postagens de 2013

Basic Circle Chain Engine Using Unity3D Part 3

What we need to do in this third part: . RedBullet collides with GreenCircle. . GreenCircle spawn GreenBullets. . repeat the process each collision between "bullets" objects and GreenCircles. Basically we need add physics components to GameObjects, then add colliders. 1. In the prefab folder, select RedBulletPrefab. In the Inspector panel, at bottom, click the button Add Component > Physics > Rigidbody. Then uncheck "use gravity", check "Is kinematic" and I checked too the z position and x, y, z rotation freeze options. 2. With RedBulletPrefab selected, add a new physics component, collider. For bullets I choose Box Collider, for the Green Circle I added an Sphere Collider. Just check "Is trigger" since we will use C# script to control collisions.  3. Do the steps 1 and 2 above to GreenCirclePrefab. 4. Let's create a new prefab, GreenBulletPrefab. It's based in the RedBulletPrefab, so drag and drop RedBulletPrefab into H...

GameDev Tutorial - Basic Circle Chain Engine Using Unity3D Part 2

This part 2 is not so detailed like before, so If you need you can see the part 1 here:  http://alxcancado.tumblr.com/post/62482465038/gamedev-tutorial-basic-circle-chain-engine-using Once again I want say that this is my port for Unity3D from Emanuele Feronato's tutorial:  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2013/05/21/from-zero-to-a-complete-game-with-cocos2d-html5-step-2-mouse-interaction/   Okay, time to put some mouse interaction. 1. add the new textures: red circle, bullet red; configure texture type to advanced, uncheck generate mipmap and filter mode to point. 2. drag and drop the greencircleprefab from prefab folder to the hierarchy. drag and drop the red circle texture to this and rename to RedCircle. Remove the GreenCricle script from it. We will create a script to this object later. 3. But we still need create our Bullet prefab. To make it simple, just duplicate the RedCircle object from hierarchy panel with Command+D or (Control+D in windows?). Then rename this ...

GameDev Tutorial - Basic Circle Chain Engine Using Unity3D Part 1

Circle Chain ( http://www.emanueleferonato.com/stuff/circle_chain/ ) is a simple game developed in 2007 by Emanuele Feronato ( http://www.emanueleferonato.com ) as a monetization test in Flash Games. In fact it's based on Boomshine ( http://www.k2xl.com/games/boomshine/ ) Emanuele has since, ported his game tutorial for lots of platforms: AS3: (complete)  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/02/20/circle-chain-ported-to-as3-with-commented-source-code-available-ready-to-jump-to-the-iphone/ Game Maker: (basic)  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/06/07/circle-chain-engine-made-with-game-maker/ Construct2 HTML5:  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/03/14/html5-version-of-circle-chain-engine-using-scirras-construct2/ Corona SDK:  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/02/24/basic-circle-chain-engine-using-corona-sdk/ Gideros Studio:  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/04/12/basic-circle-chain-engine-using-gideros-studio/ Stencyl:  http://www.emanueleferonato.com/2012/02/29/ba...

Games 7 Added!

My new toys of 2013 September: The Walking Dead (win, mac) Postal 2 Complete (win, mac, lin) Anodyne (win, mac, lin) Another World - 20th Anniversary Edition (win, mac) Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army (win) The Adventures of Shuggy (Steam, Desura) (win) Bonus: http://thelastdoor.com/?friend=21662 The Last Door is an incridible Point and Click Adventure! Really good! The authors are financing the game episodes through donation and every time they do a new episode they give the old one for free! Please, donate! *** UPDATE 9 sep 2013 *** I just bought Northmark at Indiegamestand, a card based RPG!

GameDev Researcher: Wolfenstein 3D

This post contains some links I found interesting while researching about Wolfenstein 3D. Enjoy. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein_3D http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein_(series)   http://www.giantbomb.com/wolfenstein-3d/3030-7694/   http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/wolfenstein/wolfenstein2.htm   iPhone:  http://www.idsoftware.com/iphone-games/wolfenstein-3d-classic-platinum/wolfdevelopment.htm RPG:  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wolfenstein_RPG http://wolfenstein.wikia.com/wiki/Category:Wolfenstein_RPG http://appshopper.com/games/wolfenstein-rpg   Inspired by (Silas Warner):   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_Wolfenstein http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_Castle_Wolfenstein http://www.oldskool.org/pc/BCW/faq.html

Instalar Módulo de Proteção Santander no Mac OSX Mountain Lion

Repararam que o módulo de proteção do banco Santander parou de funcionar? Isso, no meu caso foi quando atualizei o OSX para o Mountain Lion. Há quem diga que parou quando da atualização do navegador Safari. Enfin, depois de brigar um pouco com versões Java, consegui encontrar no forum da Apple a solução: Após atualizar o meu MacBook Pro para o Mountain Lion, o módulo de proteção do Santander parou de funcionar no Google Chrome. Ao clicar no botão instalar módulo de proteção, nada acontecia. Olhando o javascript mais a fundo, achei uma chamada a URL ' https://wwws.santandernet.com.br/MPS/moduloJava.html '. Ao inserir ela no browser e pressionar <ENTER>, recebia uma mensagem 'plugin inactive'. Pare resolver o problema, abri uma nova aba e entrei no endereço 'chrome://plugins/'. Naveguei até o plugin do Java, desabilitei o mesmo e reiniciei o chrome. Feito isso, entrei novamente no endereço e ativei este plugin. Ao entrar novamente no s...

Evernote Mac Opera Extension

Here it is for you who likes Evernote + Opera: https://addons.opera.com/en/extensions/details/evernote-web-clipper/?display=en Have a productive day. Bejunda. kissASS.

Java 6 problem mac osx mountain lion

Like Marilyn Manson said, this is the new shit. If you need install Java 6 in the latests OSX, like I had, you can find good resource here: 1. https://discussions.apple.com/thread/4136010?start=45&tstart=0 http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1572   -> for OS X 10.7 / 10.8 users http://support.apple.com/kb/DL1573   -> for OS X 10.6 users Extra: 2. (no tested) https://www.macupdate.com/app/mac/39490/apple-java-for-os-x-lion/ KissASS.

How to Play Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain on MAC

So, I'm very fun of old games and programs like DOSbox, emulators, etc. While we can't count with a GoG.com version of the game, maybe you can try this. Before, I recommend you buy your original copy of the game, if you don't have one. We will use the pc/windows version - you can easily find in ebay or amazon. I don't know another channels for that, but if you want give some dimes for the company behind the game, try buy it from a ps store! Ok, for play Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain on my mac osx mountain lion, follow the links: 1. http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/371/Blood+Omen+-+Legacy+Of+Kain.html - Extract all files. 2. http://home.comcast.net/~heavyweights/games/kain/index.htm - Extract files. This is the new patched Installer, that fixes things and let you play with NO CD. 3. http://www.codeweavers.com/products/ - Download and install this one. - On menu, configure > install software - Go to select an installer and choose ...