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How to Play Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain on MAC

So, I'm very fun of old games and programs like DOSbox, emulators, etc. While we can't count with a GoG.com version of the game, maybe you can try this.

Before, I recommend you buy your original copy of the game, if you don't have one. We will use the pc/windows version - you can easily find in ebay or amazon. I don't know another channels for that, but if you want give some dimes for the company behind the game, try buy it from a ps store!

Ok, for play Blood Omen - Legacy Of Kain on my mac osx mountain lion, follow the links:

1. http://www.abandonia.com/en/games/371/Blood+Omen+-+Legacy+Of+Kain.html
- Extract all files.

2. http://home.comcast.net/~heavyweights/games/kain/index.htm
- Extract files. This is the new patched Installer, that fixes things and let you play with NO CD.

3. http://www.codeweavers.com/products/
- Download and install this one.
- On menu, configure > install software
- Go to select an installer and choose the setup file downloaded in step 2.
- Go to Select a Bottle... and choose some, winxp or create a new bottle in text field New Bottle Name.

4. Install the game choosing the option "game is already installed" and select the folder where are all files extracted in step 1. Pay attention here to not create a new folder inside. Make sure that the folder in step1 is the root.

5. Just open Crossover, choose open and select KAIN.EXE

Extra steps:

6. If you want play with joystick, download http://abstractable.net/enjoy/ and config you joystick. This is a keyboard mapper, so when you press some button at joystick then it will reproduce as if was pressed in keyboard. Perfect.

More Info:

Easy Way:
Just buy the PS1 version (around 15US) and play it with an Playstation Emulator.

If you have PSP/PS3 it's only 5.99US:


- full game iso: 

- buy Legacy Of Kain Games







- Development


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